Wasan Exports (p) Ltd Wasan Exports (p) Ltd Old Bharatpur India. Importers and Exporters
Wasan Exports (p) Ltd

Wasan Exports (p) Ltd

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Wasan Exports (p) Ltd

  Old Bharatpur
  Uttar Pradesh
  Country: India
  Telephone: 276312,275226
  Fax: N/A


Top Export Product Information of Wasan Exports (p) Ltd

HS CodeProduct Description
42022190 Leather Shoes Men's Leather Shoes Men's Leather Shoe 
64035111 Leather Shoes Mens Leather Shoes 
64035119 Leather Shoes Men's Leather Shoes Men's Leather Shoe 
64041990 Leather Men's Shoes 
64059000 Leather- Mens Shoes 

Export Shipment database details of Wasan Exports (p) Ltd

Date HS Code Description India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit of Quantity
30-9-2004 42022190 Leather Shoes Men's Leather Shoes Men's Leather Shoe Delhi Air Brussels Belgium 5  Prs 
22-5-2004 64035111 Leather Shoes Mens Leather Shoes Delhi Air Brussels Belgium 4  Prs 
20-11-2004 64035119 Leather Shoes Men's Leather Shoes Men's Leather Shoe Delhi Air Brussels Belgium 20  Prs 
10-11-2004 64041990 Leather Men's Shoes Delhi Air Brussels Belgium 12  Prs 
22-7-2004 64059000 Leather- Mens Shoes Delhi Air Brussels Belgium 3  Prs 

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