Wasan Exports
Wasan Exports | |||
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Wasan Exports |
518 Park Road Model Town Jalandhar Punjab Country: India Telephone: 0181-225572 Fax: : 0181-225982 |
Top Export Product Information of Wasan Exports |
HS Code | Product Description |
63053900 | Sports Goods Rubber Synthetic Inflatable Balls With Linings Footballs Trainer Sz 3 |
95032000 | Sports Goods Pvc/syntheticinflatable Ball With Lining S Soccer Ball |
95063200 | Sports Goods Pvc/syntheticinflatable Bal L With Linings.soccer Ball. |
95066100 | Junior Tennis Balls |
95066204 | Sports Goods Pvc Synthetic Inflatable Balls With Linings Soccer Ball Orcutt Sp Erd |
Export Shipment database details of Wasan Exports |
Date | HS Code | Description | India Port | Foreign Port | Foreign Country | Quantity | Unit of Quantity |
27-8-2003 | 63053900 | Sports Goods Rubber Synthetic Inflatable Balls With Linings Footballs Trainer Sz 3 | Bombay Air | Felixstowe | United Kingdom | 202 | Pcs |
23-6-2003 | 95032000 | Sports Goods Pvc/syntheticinflatable Ball With Lining S Soccer Ball | Jnpt | Long Beach La | 1200 | Pcs | |
25-6-2003 | 95063200 | Sports Goods Pvc/syntheticinflatable Bal L With Linings.soccer Ball. | Jnpt | Long Beach | Usa | 2000 | Pcs |
24-6-2003 | 95063200 | Sports Goods Pvc/syntheticinflatable Ball With Lining S Soccer Ball | Jnpt | Toronto | Canada | 6800 | Pcs |
16-7-2003 | 95066100 | Junior Tennis Balls | Jnpt | Durban | South Africa | 5000 | Pcs |
19-5-2003 | 95066204 | Sports Goods Pvc Synthetic Inflatable Balls With Linings Soccer Ball Orcutt Sp Erd | Jnpt | Long Beach | Usa | 75 | Pcs |
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