Transport Intl Freight Forwarders
Transport Intl Freight Forwarders | |||
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Transport Intl Freight Forwarders |
Ste 200198 E Bay Stcharleston, Sc 29401-2612 (us)tel: 843-723-0689 Fax: 803-723-1339 Country: Usa |
Import Shipment database details of Transport Intl Freight Forwarders |
U.S. Notify Party | Exporter | Bill of Landing | ||||
Product Description Ceramic,refrac'y,magnesite Bri; Magnesia Carbon Bricks For Ladle Slag Line; Ceramic,refrac'y,magnesite Bri; Magnesia Carbon Bricks For Ladle Slag Line; Ceramic,refrac'y,magnesite Bri; Magnesia Carbon Bricks For Ladle Slag Line; Ceramic,refrac'y,magn | ||||||
Transport Intl Freight Forwarders Ste 200198 E Bay Stcharleston, Sc 29401-2612 (us)tel: 843-723-0689 Fax: 803-723-1339 | Liaoning Mayerton Refractories Da Shi Qiaoying Koucn | Arrival Date:18-1-2007 Bill of Lading Number:OBIGDLPH203G0003 Arrival us:18-1-2007 Weight in Kg:22642 Quantity:0 Measure:0 Shipping Line Name: Ship:Obig - [cma Cgm Sapphire : Ja095] | ||||
Exported From:China | Export Port:Dairen, China | American Port:Los Angeles, Ca | ||||
Transport Intl Freight Forwarders Ste 200198 E Bay Stcharleston, Sc 29401-2612 (us)tel: 843-723-0689 Fax: 803-723-1339 | Liaoning Mayerton Refractories Da Shi Qiaoying Koucn | Arrival Date:09-1-2007 Bill of Lading Number:OBIGDLSL203G0020 Arrival us:09-1-2007 Weight in Kg:19470 Quantity:11 Measure:0 Shipping Line Name: Ship:Obig - [xin Nan Tong : 0042e] | ||||
Exported From:China | Export Port:Busan, Korea | American Port:Oakland, Ca | ||||
Transport Intl Freight Forwarders Ste 200198 E Bay Stcharleston, Sc 29401-2612 (us)tel: 843-723-0689 Fax: 803-723-1339 | Liaoning Mayerton Refractories Da Shi Qiaoying Koucn | Arrival Date:06-1-2007 Bill of Lading Number:OBIGDLMP203G0059 Arrival us:06-1-2007 Weight in Kg:71856 Quantity:0 Measure:0 Shipping Line Name: Ship:Obig - [xin Tian Jin : 0025e] | ||||
Exported From:China | Export Port:Busan, Korea | American Port:Los Angeles, Ca | ||||
Transport Intl Freight Forwarders Ste 200198 E Bay Stcharleston, Sc 29401-2612 (us)tel: 843-723-0689 Fax: 803-723-1339 | Liaoning Mayerton Refractories Da Shi Qiaoying Koucn | Arrival Date:01-1-2007 Bill of Lading Number:OBIGDLLB203G0315 Arrival us:01-1-2007 Weight in Kg:45694 Quantity:0 Measure:0 Shipping Line Name: Ship:Obig - [cscl America : 0003e] | ||||
Exported From:China | Export Port:Dairen, China | American Port:Long Beach, Ca | ||||
Product Description Ceramic,refrac'y,magnesite Bri; Magnesia Carbon Bricks For Eaf; Ceramic,refrac'y,magnesite Bri; Magnesia Carbon Bricks For Eaf | ||||||
Transport Intl Freight Forwarders Ste 200198 E Bay Stcharleston, Sc 29401-2612 (us)tel: 843-723-0689 Fax: 803-723-1339 | Liaoning Mayerton Refractories Da Shi Qiaoying Koucn | Arrival Date:09-1-2007 Bill of Lading Number:OBIGDLSL203G0021 Arrival us:09-1-2007 Weight in Kg:39606 Quantity:0 Measure:0 Shipping Line Name: Ship:Obig - [xin Nan Tong : 0042e] | ||||
Exported From:China | Export Port:Busan, Korea | American Port:Oakland, Ca | ||||
Transport Intl Freight Forwarders Ste 200198 E Bay Stcharleston, Sc 29401-2612 (us)tel: 843-723-0689 Fax: 803-723-1339 | Liaoning Mayerton Refractories Da Shi Qiaoying Koucn | Arrival Date:06-1-2007 Bill of Lading Number:OBIGDLMP203G0059 Arrival us:06-1-2007 Weight in Kg:71856 Quantity:0 Measure:0 Shipping Line Name: Ship:Obig - [xin Tian Jin : 0025e] | ||||
Exported From:China | Export Port:Busan, Korea | American Port:Los Angeles, Ca | ||||
Transport Intl Freight Forwarders Ste 200198 E Bay Stcharleston, Sc 29401-2612 (us)tel: 843-723-0689 Fax: 803-723-1339 | Liaoning Mayerton Refractories Da Shi Qiaoying Koucn | Arrival Date:01-1-2007 Bill of Lading Number:OBIGDLLB203G0314 Arrival us:01-1-2007 Weight in Kg:34907 Quantity:0 Measure:0 Shipping Line Name: Ship:Obig - [cscl America : 0003e] | ||||
Exported From:China | Export Port:Dairen, China | American Port:Long Beach, Ca | ||||
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