Scanwell Logistic Lax Inc Scanwell Logistic Lax Inc 615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El USA. Importers and Exporters
Scanwell Logistic Lax Inc

Scanwell Logistic Lax Inc


Scanwell Logistic Lax Inc

  615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
  Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a. Tel=(310)
  640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808attn=
  Country: Usa


Import Shipment database details of Scanwell Logistic Lax Inc

U.S. Notify PartyExporterBill of Landing
Product Description 
Hardware Parts Hooks (hook For Coat Hanger Zinc Plated) (clip For Coat Hanger Zinc Plated) Purchase Order#159932/159933/ 159820 Cin#10047 1870 Ctns = 30 Plts(1860 Ctns) + 10 Ctns = 40 P'kgs Name A/c= Plasticos Bajacal/ Mainetti Usa
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a. Tel=(310)
640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808attn=
Ms. Loretta Chow
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
406, 4/f., Block B. Po Lung Centre,
11 Wang City Road Kowloon Bay,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Arrival Date:27-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017224824
Arrival us:27-6-2007
Weight in Kg:50371
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Ship:Wan Hai 302
Exported From:China Taiwan
Export Port:Kao Hsiung
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a. Tel=(310)
640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808
Attn=ms. Loretta Chow
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
406, 4/f., Block B. Po Lung Centre,
11 Wang City Road Kowloon Bay,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Arrival Date:18-10-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017406344
Arrival us:18-10-2007
Weight in Kg:13875
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Ship:Wan Hai 313
Exported From:China Taiwan
Export Port:Kao Hsiung
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a.
Tel=(310)640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808
Attn=ms.loretta Chow
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
406, 4/f., Block B, Po Lung Centre,
11 Wang City Road Kowloon Bay,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Arrival Date:06-9-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017341135
Arrival us:06-9-2007
Weight in Kg:33555
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Ship:Wan Hai 302
Exported From:China Taiwan
Export Port:Kao Hsiung
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a. Tel=(310)
640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808
Attn=ms. Loretta Chow
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
406, 4/f., Block B. Po Lung Centre,
11 Wang City Road Kowloon Bay,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Arrival Date:01-8-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017285185
Arrival us:01-8-2007
Weight in Kg:33615
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Ship:Wan Hai 302
Exported From:China Taiwan
Export Port:Kao Hsiung
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc
Product Description 
Hardware Parts Hooks (clip For Coat Hanger Zinc Plated) (hook For Coat Hanger Zinc Plated) Purchase Order#160489/160490 Cin#10053 "1295 Ctns = 20 Plts" ??name A/c= Plasticos Bajacal/mainetti Usa??
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a. Tel=(310)
640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808attn=
Ms. Loretta Chow
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
406, 4/f., Block B. Po Lung Centre,
11 Wang City Road Kowloon Bay,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Arrival Date:27-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017224824
Arrival us:27-6-2007
Weight in Kg:50371
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Ship:Wan Hai 302
Exported From:China Taiwan
Export Port:Kao Hsiung
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a. Tel=(310)
640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808
Attn=ms. Loretta Chow
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
406, 4/f., Block B. Po Lung Centre,
11 Wang City Road Kowloon Bay,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Arrival Date:18-10-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017406344
Arrival us:18-10-2007
Weight in Kg:13875
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Ship:Wan Hai 313
Exported From:China Taiwan
Export Port:Kao Hsiung
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a. Tel=(310)
640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808
Attn=ms. Loretta Chow
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
406, 4/f., Block B. Po Lung Centre,
11 Wang City Road Kowloon Bay,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Arrival Date:01-8-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017285185
Arrival us:01-8-2007
Weight in Kg:33615
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Ship:Wan Hai 302
Exported From:China Taiwan
Export Port:Kao Hsiung
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc
Product Description 
Hardware Parts Hooks (hook For Coat Hanger Zinc Plated) Purchase Order#159821/159822 Cin#10045 "20 Plts = 1300 Ctns"
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a.
Tel=(310)640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808
Attn=ms.loretta Chow
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
On Behalf Of Scanwell Logistics
(taiwan) Ltd.
406, 4/f., Block B, Po Lung Centre,
11 Wang City Road Kowloon Bay,
Arrival Date:26-9-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017382585
Arrival us:26-9-2007
Weight in Kg:16854
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Ship:Kota Salam
Exported From:China Taiwan
Export Port:Kao Hsiung
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a.
Tel=(310)640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808
Attn=ms.loretta Chow
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
O/b= Scanwell Logistics (taiwan)ltd
406, 4/f., Block B, Po Lung Centre,
11 Wang City Road Kowloon Bay,
Arrival Date:24-10-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017418052
Arrival us:24-10-2007
Weight in Kg:16835
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Ship:Wan Hai 508
Exported From:China Taiwan
Export Port:Kao Hsiung
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a.
Tel=(310)640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808
Attn=ms.loretta Chow
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
O/b= Scanwell Logistics (taiwan)ltd
406, 4/f., Block B, Po Lung Centre,
11 Wang City Road Kowloon Bay,
Arrival Date:20-9-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017360842
Arrival us:20-9-2007
Weight in Kg:50396
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Ship:Wan Hai 508
Exported From:China Taiwan
Export Port:Kao Hsiung
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a.
Tel=(310)640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808
Attn=ms.loretta Chow
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
O/b=scanwell Logistics (taiwan) Ltd
2f,no.21,50 Lane,nankan Rd,sec.3,
Taipei, Taiwan
Arrival Date:19-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017221442
Arrival us:19-6-2007
Weight in Kg:33670
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Ship:Cosco Hongkong
Exported From:Japan
Export Port:Yokohama
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a.
Tel=(310)640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808
Attn=ms.loretta Chow
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
O/b=scanwell Logistics (taiwan) Ltd
2f,no.21,50 Lane,nankan Rd,sec.3,
Taipei, Taiwan
Arrival Date:13-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017201963
Arrival us:13-6-2007
Weight in Kg:33670
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Exported From:China Taiwan
Export Port:Kao Hsiung
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a.
Tel=(310)640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808
Attn=ms.loretta Chow
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
O/b= Scanwell Logistics (taiwan)ltd
406, 4/f., Block B, Po Lung Centre,
11 Wang City Road Kowloon Bay,
Arrival Date:12-9-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017351354
Arrival us:12-9-2007
Weight in Kg:33670
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Ship:Wan Hai 313
Exported From:China Taiwan
Export Port:Kao Hsiung
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a.
Tel=(310)640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808
Attn=ms.loretta Chow
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
O/b= Scanwell Logistics (taiwan)ltd
406, 4/f., Block B, Po Lung Centre,
11 Wang City Road Kowloon Bay,
Arrival Date:08-8-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017295013
Arrival us:08-8-2007
Weight in Kg:17413
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Ship:Wan Hai 313
Exported From:China Taiwan
Export Port:Kao Hsiung
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a.
Tel=(310)640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808
Attn=ms.loretta Chow
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
O/b=scanwell Logistics (taiwan) Ltd
406, 4/f., Block B. Po Lung Centre,
11 Wang City Road Kowloon Bay,
Arrival Date:03-7-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017237426
Arrival us:03-7-2007
Weight in Kg:33670
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Ship:Wan Hai 313
Exported From:China Taiwan
Export Port:Kao Hsiung
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a.
Fax=(310)640-8808attn=ms. Loretta
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
406, 4/f., Block B. Po Lung
Centre,11 Wang City Road Kowloon
Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong O/b
Arrival Date:03-10-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017386811
Arrival us:03-10-2007
Weight in Kg:16835
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Ship:Wan Hai 505
Exported From:China Taiwan
Export Port:Kao Hsiung
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a.
Tel=(310)640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808
Attn=ms.loretta Chow
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
406, 4/f., Block B, Po Lung Centre,
11 Wang City Road Kowloon Bay,
Kowloon, Hong Kong On Behalf Of
Arrival Date:01-9-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017338124
Arrival us:01-9-2007
Weight in Kg:33670
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Ship:Xin Shan Tou
Exported From:Hong Kong
Export Port:Hong Kong
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc
Product Description 
Hardware Parts Hooks (hook For Coat Hanger Zinc Plated) Purchase Order#159821/159822 Cin#10045 "20 Plts = 1300 Ctns"
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a. Tel=(310)
640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808attn=
Ms. Loretta Chow
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
406, 4/f., Block B. Po Lung Centre,
11 Wang City Road Kowloon Bay,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Arrival Date:27-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017224824
Arrival us:27-6-2007
Weight in Kg:50371
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Ship:Wan Hai 302
Exported From:China Taiwan
Export Port:Kao Hsiung
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc
Scanwell Logistic (lax) Inc.
615 N. Nash Street, Suite 202 El
Segundo, Ca 90245 U.s.a.
Tel=(310)640-8800 Fax=(310)640-8808
Attn=ms.loretta Chow
Scanwell Container Line, Ltd.
O/b=scanwell Logistics (taiwan) Ltd
2f,no.21,50 Lane,nankan Rd,sec.3,
Taipei, Taiwan
Arrival Date:13-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:WHLC0017201963
Arrival us:13-6-2007
Weight in Kg:33670
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Whlc
Exported From:China Taiwan
Export Port:Kao Hsiung
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Whlc

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