Porcelain Products Co Ppc Insulat Porcelain Products Co Ppc Insulat 225 N. Patterson St. USA. Importers and Exporters
Porcelain Products Co Ppc Insulat

Porcelain Products Co Ppc Insulat

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Porcelain Products Co Ppc Insulat

  225 N. Patterson St.
  Carey Oh 43316
  Ph: 419 396 7621 Fax: 419 396 7428
  Country: Usa


Import Shipment database details of Porcelain Products Co Ppc Insulat

U.S. Notify PartyExporterBill of Landing
Product Description 
17.776 Porcelain Insulators 5.184 Pin 8kv 55-3 Part Number 261 S-1 100851 576 Pin 7kv 55-3 Part Number 263-s 100951 1.728 Pin 25kv Part Number 380 S 102551 288 Pin 15kv 55-6 Part Number 386 St-1 102751 In 20 Wood Packages Purchase Order No.: 11676, 11674
Cargo Partner Network Inc
248-29 Brookville Boulevard,
Rosedale, Ny 11422 - Usa
Attn Mr Fergal Keenan Ph: 1 718 632
Ph: 1 718 632 7500 Fax 1 718 632 75
Porcelanas Industriais Germer S A
Rua Navegantes, 196 - Cx. Postal 99
Timbo - Sc - Brasil - Cep: 89120-00
Cnpj: 86.378.189 0001-76 Fones: 554
Fones: 5547 3382 2000
Arrival Date:30-7-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CHIWQPH013460
Arrival us:30-7-2007
Weight in Kg:12448
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Chilean Lines Inc
Ship:Libra Niteroi
Exported From:Brazil
Export Port:Sao Francisco Do Sul
American Port:Charleston, Sc
Shipping Line:Chilean Lines Inc
Cargo Partner Network Inc
248-29 Brookville Boulevard,
Rosedale, Ny 11422 - Usa
Attn Mr Fergal Keenan Ph: 1 718 632
Ph: 1 718 632 7500 Fax 1 718 632 75
Porcelanas Industriais Germer S A
Rua Navegantes, 196 - Cx.postal 99
Timbo - Sc - Brasil - Cep 89120-000
Cnpj: 86.378.189 0001-76 Ph: 5547 3
Ph: 5547 3382 2000
Arrival Date:27-8-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CHIWQPH013631
Arrival us:27-8-2007
Weight in Kg:13614
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Chilean Lines Inc
Ship:Libra Corcovado
Exported From:Brazil
Export Port:Sao Francisco Do Sul
American Port:Charleston, Sc
Shipping Line:Chilean Lines Inc
Cargo Partner Network Inc
248-29 Brookville Boulevard,
Rosedale, Ny 11422 - Usa
Attn Mr Fergal Keenan Ph: 1 718 632
Ph: 1 718 632 7500 Fax 1 718 632 75
Porcelanas Industriais Germer S A
Rua Navegantes, 196 - Cx.postal 99
Timbo - Sc - Brasil - Cep 89120-000
Cnpj: 86.378.189 0001-76 Ph: 5547 3
Ph: 5547 3382 2000
Arrival Date:24-9-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CHIWPAZ000010
Arrival us:24-9-2007
Weight in Kg:11648
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Chilean Lines Inc
Ship:Csav Rio Puelo
Exported From:Brazil
Export Port:Sao Francisco Do Sul
American Port:Charleston, Sc
Shipping Line:Chilean Lines Inc
Cargo Partner Network Inc
248-29 Brookville Boulevard,
Rosedale, Ny 11422 - Usa
Attn Mr Fergal Keenan Ph: 1 718 632
Ph: 1 718 632 7500 Fax 1 718 632 75
Porcelanas Industriais Germer S A
Rua Navegantes, 196 - Cx. Postal 99
Timbo - Sc - Brasil - Cep: 89120-00
Cnpj: 86.378.189 0001-76 Fones: 554
Fones: 5547 3382 2000
Arrival Date:23-7-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CHIWQPH013410
Arrival us:23-7-2007
Weight in Kg:9328
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Chilean Lines Inc
Ship:Libra Corcovado
Exported From:Brazil
Export Port:Sao Francisco Do Sul
American Port:Charleston, Sc
Shipping Line:Chilean Lines Inc
Cargo Partner Network Inc
248-29 Brookville Boulevard,
Rosedale, Ny 11422 - Usa
Attn Mr Fergal Keenan Ph: 1 718 632
Ph: 1 718 632 7500 Fax 1 718 632 75
Porcelanas Industriais Germer S A
Rua Navegantes, 196 - Cx.postal 99
Timbo - Sc - Brasil - Cep 89120-000
Cnpj: 86.378.189 0001-76 Ph: 5547 3
Ph: 5547 3382 2000
Arrival Date:21-8-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CHIWQPH013581
Arrival us:21-8-2007
Weight in Kg:15512
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Chilean Lines Inc
Ship:Csav Rio Puelo
Exported From:Brazil
Export Port:Sao Francisco Do Sul
American Port:Charleston, Sc
Shipping Line:Chilean Lines Inc
Cargo Partner Network Inc
248-29 Brookville Boulevard,
Rosedale, Ny 11422 - Usa
Attn Mr Fergal Keenan Ph: 1 718 632
Ph: 1 718 632 7500 Fax 1 718 632 75
Porcelanas Industriais Germer S A
Rua Navegantes, 196 -cx. Postal 99
Timbo -sc- Brasil - Cep: 89120-000
Fone: 5547 3382 2000 Cnpj: 86.378.1
Cnpj: 86.378.189 0001-76
Arrival Date:16-7-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CHIWQPH013347
Arrival us:16-7-2007
Weight in Kg:10061
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Chilean Lines Inc
Ship:Csav Rio Puelo
Exported From:Brazil
Export Port:Sao Francisco Do Sul
American Port:Charleston, Sc
Shipping Line:Chilean Lines Inc
Cargo Partner Network Inc
248-29 Brookville Boulevard,
Rosedale, Ny 11422 - Usa
Attn Mr Fergal Keenan Ph: 1 718 632
Ph: 1 718 632 7500 Fax 1 718 632 75
Porcelanas Industriais Germer S A
Rua Navegantes, 196 - Cx.postal 99
Timbo - Sc - Brasil - Cep 89120-000
Cnpj: 86.378.189 0001-76 Ph: 5547 3
Ph: 5547 3382 2000
Arrival Date:11-9-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CHIWQPH013736
Arrival us:11-9-2007
Weight in Kg:12049
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Chilean Lines Inc
Ship:Libra Salvador
Exported From:Brazil
Export Port:Sao Francisco Do Sul
American Port:Charleston, Sc
Shipping Line:Chilean Lines Inc
Cargo Partner Network Inc
248-29 Brookville Boulevard,
Rosedale, Ny 11422
Ph: 1 718 632 7500 Fax 1 718 632 7
Attn Mr Fergal Keenan
Porcelanas Industriais Germer Ltda
Rua Navegantes, 196 - Cx. Postal 99
Timbo - Sc - Brasil - Cep 89120-000
Cnpj: 86.378.189 0001-76 Tel: 55 47
Tel: 55 47 3382 2000
Arrival Date:08-10-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CHIWPAZ000132
Arrival us:08-10-2007
Weight in Kg:13110
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Chilean Lines Inc
Ship:Libra Niteroi
Exported From:Brazil
Export Port:Sao Francisco Do Sul
American Port:Charleston, Sc
Shipping Line:Chilean Lines Inc
Cargo Partner Network Inc
248-29 Brookville Boulevard,
Rosedale, Ny 11422 - Usa
Attn Mr Fergal Keenan Ph: 1 718 632
Ph: 1 718 632 7500 Fax 1 718 632 75
Porcelanas Industriais Germer S A
Rua Navegantes, 196 - Cx.postal 99
Timbo - Sc - Brasil - Cep 89120-000
Cnpj: 86.378.189 0001-76 Ph: 5547 3
Ph: 5547 3382 2000
Arrival Date:04-9-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CHIWQPH013681
Arrival us:04-9-2007
Weight in Kg:13968
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Chilean Lines Inc
Ship:Libra Niteroi
Exported From:Brazil
Export Port:Sao Francisco Do Sul
American Port:Charleston, Sc
Shipping Line:Chilean Lines Inc
Cargo Partner Network Inc
248-29 Brookville Boulevard,
Rosedale, Ny 11422
Ph: 1 718 632 7500 Fax 1 718 632 7
Attn Mr Fergal Keenan
Porcelanas Industriais Germer Ltda
Rua Navegantes, 196 - Cx. Postal 99
Timbo - Sc - Brasil - Cep 89120-000
Cnpj: 86.378.189 0001-76 Tel: 55 47
Tel: 55 47 3382 2000
Arrival Date:02-10-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CHIWPAZ000098
Arrival us:02-10-2007
Weight in Kg:11867
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Chilean Lines Inc
Ship:Libra Corcovado
Exported From:Brazil
Export Port:Sao Francisco Do Sul
American Port:Charleston, Sc
Shipping Line:Chilean Lines Inc
Product Description 
"the Regulated Wood Packing Material Has Been Treated In Accordance With The Usda Requirements" 16.336 Porcelain Insulators 11.200 Spool Part Number 5101 G 060046 1.152 Pin 7 Kv 55-3 Part Number 263-s 100951 3.840 Pin 15 Kv 55-4 Part Number 366 S-1 1015
Cargo Partner Network Inc
248-29 Brookville Boulevard,
Rosedale, Ny 11422 - Usa
Attn Mr Fergal Keenan Ph: 1 718 632
Ph: 1 718 632 7500 Fax 1 718 632 75
Porcelanas Industriais Germer S A
Rua Navegantes, 196 - Cx.postal 99
Timbo - Sc - Brasil - Cep 89120-000
Cnpj: 86.378.189 0001-76 Ph: 5547 3
Ph: 5547 3382 2000
Arrival Date:27-8-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CHIWQPH013630
Arrival us:27-8-2007
Weight in Kg:15180
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Chilean Lines Inc
Ship:Libra Corcovado
Exported From:Brazil
Export Port:Sao Francisco Do Sul
American Port:Charleston, Sc
Shipping Line:Chilean Lines Inc
Cargo Partner Network Inc
248-29 Brookville Boulevard,
Rosedale, Ny 11422 - Usa
Attn Mr Fergal Keenan Ph: 1 718 632
Ph: 1 718 632 7500 Fax 1 718 632 75
Porcelanas Industriais Germer S A
Rua Navegantes, 196 - Cx.postal 99
Timbo - Sc - Brasil - Cep 89120-000
Cnpj: 86.378.189 0001-76 Ph: 5547 3
Ph: 5547 3382 2000
Arrival Date:24-9-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CHIWPAZ000035
Arrival us:24-9-2007
Weight in Kg:11070
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Chilean Lines Inc
Ship:Csav Rio Puelo
Exported From:Brazil
Export Port:Sao Francisco Do Sul
American Port:Charleston, Sc
Shipping Line:Chilean Lines Inc
Cargo Partner Network Inc
248-29 Brookville Boulevard,
Rosedale, Ny 11422 - Usa
Attn Mr Fergal Keenan Ph: 1 718 632
Ph: 1 718 632 7500 Fax 1 718 632 75
Porcelanas Industriais Germer S A
Rua Navegantes, 196 - Cx. Postal 99
Timbo - Sc - Brasil - Cep: 89120-00
Cnpj: 86.378.189 0001-76 Fones: 554
Fones: 5547 3382 2000
Arrival Date:23-7-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CHIWQPH013412
Arrival us:23-7-2007
Weight in Kg:12496
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Chilean Lines Inc
Ship:Libra Corcovado
Exported From:Brazil
Export Port:Sao Francisco Do Sul
American Port:Charleston, Sc
Shipping Line:Chilean Lines Inc
Cargo Partner Network Inc
248-29 Brookville Boulevard,
Rosedale, Ny 11422 - Usa
Attn Mr Fergal Keenan Ph: 1 718 632
Ph: 1 718 632 7500 Fax 1 718 632 75
Porcelanas Industriais Germer S A
Rua Navegantes, 196 - Cx.postal 99
Timbo - Sc - Brasil - Cep 89120-000
Cnpj: 86.378.189 0001-76 Ph: 5547 3
Ph: 5547 3382 2000
Arrival Date:21-8-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CHIWQPH013582
Arrival us:21-8-2007
Weight in Kg:11351
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Chilean Lines Inc
Ship:Csav Rio Puelo
Exported From:Brazil
Export Port:Sao Francisco Do Sul
American Port:Charleston, Sc
Shipping Line:Chilean Lines Inc
Cargo Partner Network Inc
248-29 Brookville Boulevard,
Rosedale, Ny 11422 - Usa
Attn Mr Fergal Keenan Ph: 1 718 632
Ph: 1 718 632 7500 Fax 1 718 632 75
Porcelanas Industriais Germer S A
Rua Navegantes, 196 - Cx.postal 99
Timbo - Sc - Brasil - Cep 89120-000
Cnpj: 86.378.189 0001-76 Ph: 5547 3
Ph: 5547 3382 2000
Arrival Date:04-9-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CHIWQPH013680
Arrival us:04-9-2007
Weight in Kg:11387
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Chilean Lines Inc
Ship:Libra Niteroi
Exported From:Brazil
Export Port:Sao Francisco Do Sul
American Port:Charleston, Sc
Shipping Line:Chilean Lines Inc
Cargo Partner Network Inc
248-29 Brookville Boulevard,
Rosedale, Ny 11422
Ph: 1 718 632 7500 Fax 1 718 632 7
Attn Mr Fergal Keenan
Porcelanas Industriais Germer Ltda
Rua Navegantes, 196 - Cx. Postal 99
Timbo - Sc - Brasil - Cep 89120-000
Cnpj: 86.378.189 0001-76 Tel: 55 47
Tel: 55 47 3382 2000
Arrival Date:02-10-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CHIWPAZ000098
Arrival us:02-10-2007
Weight in Kg:11867
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Chilean Lines Inc
Ship:Libra Corcovado
Exported From:Brazil
Export Port:Sao Francisco Do Sul
American Port:Charleston, Sc
Shipping Line:Chilean Lines Inc

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