Newmark Orient Pte Ltd Newmark Orient Pte Ltd 1 North Bridge Road, USA. Importers and Exporters
Newmark Orient Pte Ltd

Newmark Orient Pte Ltd

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Newmark Orient Pte Ltd

  1 North Bridge Road,
   19-04/05 High Street Centre
  Singapore 179094
  Country: Usa


Import Shipment database details of Newmark Orient Pte Ltd

U.S. Notify PartyExporterBill of Landing
Product Description 
(total Three Hundred And Fifty One Cartons Only) Bed Linen Size:200cm X 240 Cm Weight:about 1.1 Kgs/pc Design & Colour:7 Total Quantity:7020 Pcs. Inv. No:se/220/06-07 Dt.16.03.2007 S/bill No.5099108 Dt.20/03/2007 Brand:7 Mares Net Wt:7546.500 Kgs Agent Ad
Fandi Internacional, S.a.
Apartado Postal 2131,
Zona Libre De Colon,
Rep De Panama
Sainath Exports (india)
Unit 232/233,a To Z Industrial Esta
G.k.marg,lower Parel,
Arrival Date:21-4-2007
Bill of Lading Number:MAEU854198182
Arrival us:21-4-2007
Weight in Kg:8424
Unit of Quantity:Carto
Shipping Line Name:Maersk Lines, Inc.
Ship:Santa Cristina
Exported From:Spain
Export Port:Algeciras
American Port:San Juan, Pr
Shipping Line:Maersk Lines, Inc.
M/s. Mays Zona Libre S.a.
Apartdo Postal 2094 Zona Libre De C
Olon*** Pa
Sainath Exports (india)
Unit : 232/233 A To Z Industrial Es
Tate, G.k Marg,lower Parel,* In
Arrival Date:17-10-2007
Bill of Lading Number:ZIMUNHV805201
Arrival us:17-10-2007
Weight in Kg:25353
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Zim Israel Navigation Co
Ship:Zim Savannah
Exported From:Spain
Export Port:Barcelona
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Zim Israel Navigation Co

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