Molu Ram Parma Nand
Molu Ram Parma Nand | |||
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Molu Ram Parma Nand |
2658/61 Rirst Floor Naya Bazar Delhi N/a Country: India Telephone: N/A Fax: N/A |
Top Import Product Information of Molu Ram Parma Nand |
HS Code | Product Description |
07133901 | Green Moong Beans |
07133910 | Green Mung Beans |
07133990 | Red Kidney Beans |
07139010 | Green Moong Beans |
Import Shipment database details of Molu Ram Parma Nand |
Date | HS Code | Description | India Port | Foreign Port | Foreign Country | Quantity | Unit of Quantity |
03-1-2003 | 07133901 | Green Moong Beans | Bombay Sea | Syria | India | 246 | Mts |
16-1-2004 | 07133910 | Green Moong Beans | Bombay Sea | Uzbekistan | India | 206 | Mts |
05-3-2003 | 07133910 | Green Mung Beans | Bombay Sea | Syria | India | 214 | Mts |
05-2-2003 | 07133910 | Green Mung Beans | Bombay Sea | Syria | India | 207 | Mtr |
20-2-2004 | 07133990 | Green Mung Beans | Bombay Sea | Uzbekistan | India | 106 | Mts |
17-5-2004 | 07133990 | Mung Beans | Bombay Sea | Iran | India | 70 | Mts |
17-10-2003 | 07133990 | Red Kidney Beans | Bombay Sea | Ethiopia | India | 105 | Mts |
12-5-2004 | 07133990 | Green Mung Beans(pedshwar 2004 | Bombay Sea | Myanmar | India | 117 | Mts |
06-11-2003 | 07133990 | Green Mung Beans (import Permit No -7052/d3) | Jnpt | China | India | 69 | Mts |
05-4-2004 | 07133990 | Green Mung Beans (pedeshewar 2 | Bombay Sea | Myanmar | India | 22 | Mts |
19-5-2004 | 07139010 | Green Moong Beans | Bombay Sea | Uzbekistan | India | 102 | Mts |
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