Liffa Exports
Liffa Exports | |||
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Liffa Exports |
No.5, Plot No.74, Annai Therasa Str Voc Nagar, Pammal Chennai Tamilnadu Country: India Telephone: 2383619 Fax: N/A |
Top Import Product Information of Liffa Exports |
HS Code | Product Description |
34029020 | Licrol Sb 4 (sulphonated Fish Oil) |
34049090 | Pb 100 (wax Emulsion) |
35011000 | Ct 825 (casein Binder) |
Import Shipment database details of Liffa Exports |
Date | HS Code | Description | India Port | Foreign Port | Foreign Country | Quantity | Unit of Quantity |
23-9-2004 | 34029020 | Licrol Sb 4 (sulphonated Fish Oil) | Madras Sea | India | 600 | Kgs | |
20-10-2004 | 34029020 | Cromoderma Bir (sulphonated Fish Oil) | Madras Sea | India | 720 | Kgs | |
10-9-2004 | 34049090 | Indinor F 1682 (wax Emulsion) | Madras Sea | India | 600 | Kgs | |
07-9-2004 | 34049090 | Pb 100 (wax Emulsion) | Madras Sea | India | 60 | Kgs | |
10-9-2004 | 35011000 | Indinor B 1072 (casein Binder) | Madras Sea | India | 120 | Kgs | |
07-9-2004 | 35011000 | Ct 825 (casein Binder) | Madras Sea | India | 180 | Kgs | |
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