Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue Richmond Hill,ontario L4s 1g9 USA. Importers and Exporters
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue

Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue

error code: 526


Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue

  Richmond Hill,ontario L4s 1g9
  Canada Attn:emmers On Smart
  Cell:4167255157 P:9055088084
  Country: Usa


Import Shipment database details of Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue

U.S. Notify PartyExporterBill of Landing
Product Description 
1 Container Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether(pm) Un No.:3092 Dipropylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether(dpm) Hz: 1-methoxy-2-propanol Un Number: 3092 - Imdg Class: 3 - Flashpoint:
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario,l4s 1g9 Canad
Attn:emmerson Smart Cell:(416)725-
5157 Ph:(905)508-8084 Fx(905)508-80
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D,23/f,cheuk Nang Plaz
250 Hennessy Road,wan Chai,hong
Kong Tel:852-2187 3174 Fax:852-2187
Arrival Date:30-10-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN262317
Arrival us:30-10-2007
Weight in Kg:17440
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Sydney
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario L4s 1g9 Canad
Attn:emmerson Smart Cell:(416)725-5
157 Ph:(905)508-8084
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D 23/f Cheuk Nang 21st
Century Plaza 250 Hennessy Rd,wan
Chai Hongkong
Arrival Date:27-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN259050
Arrival us:27-6-2007
Weight in Kg:17480
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Felixstowe
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario Canada L4s 1g
9 Attn:emmerson Smart Cell:416 725-
5157 Ph:905 508-8084 Fx905 508-8045
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D,23/f Cheuk Nang Plaz
250 Hennessy Road,wan Chai Hongkong
T:852-2187 3174 F:852-2173178
Arrival Date:24-9-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN261399
Arrival us:24-9-2007
Weight in Kg:17560
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Dalian
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario L4s 1g9
Canada Attn:emmers On Smart
Cell:4167255157 P:9055088084
Shanghai Dynamic Chemical Ltd.
Room 06-08,floor 12b,lijin Sunshine
Mansion,no.19 Wuning Road,shanghai
China T:862162313806
Arrival Date:18-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN258942
Arrival us:18-6-2007
Weight in Kg:16880
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Chiwan
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario Canada L4s
1g9 Attn:emmers On Smart Cell:416 7
25-5157 Ph:905 508-8084
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprise Lt
Unit D 23/f Cheuk Nang Plaza 250
Hennessy Road Wan Chai Hong Kong
T:852-2187 3174 F:852-21873178
Arrival Date:17-9-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN261223
Arrival us:17-9-2007
Weight in Kg:17160
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Ville D'orion
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario L4s 1g9
Canada Attn:emmerson Smart
Richmond Hill,ca
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D,23/f,cheuk Nang
Plaza,250 Hennessy Road,wanchai,
Hong Kong Tel:852-2187 3174
Arrival Date:13-8-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN260337
Arrival us:13-8-2007
Weight in Kg:34960
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Ville D'orion
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario L4s 1g9 Canad
Attn:emmerson Smart Cell:(416)725-
5157 Ph:(905)508-8084 Fx(905)508-80
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D,23/f,cheuk Nang Plaz
250 Hennessy Road,wanchai Hongkong
Tel:852-2187 3174 Fax:852-21873178
Arrival Date:06-8-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN260167
Arrival us:06-8-2007
Weight in Kg:34960
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Hong Kong
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Product Description 
2 Container Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether Acetate(pma) 3/3272 H.s.29153900 S/c :07-0645 Hz: Esters, N.o.s. Un Number: 3272 - Imdg Class: 3 - Flashpoint: Hz: Esters, N.o.s. Un Number: 3272 - Imdg Class: 3 - Flashpoint:
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario,l4s 1g9 Canad
Attn:emmerson Smart Cell:(416)725-
5157 Ph:(905)508-8084 Fx(905)508-80
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D,23/f,cheuk Nang Plaz
250 Hennessy Road,wan Chai,hong
Kong Tel:852-2187 3174 Fax:852-2187
Arrival Date:30-10-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN262317
Arrival us:30-10-2007
Weight in Kg:17440
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Sydney
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario L4s 1g9 Canad
Attn:emmerson Smart Cell:(416)725-5
157 Ph:(905)508-8084
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D 23/f Cheuk Nang 21st
Century Plaza 250 Hennessy Rd,wan
Chai Hongkong
Arrival Date:27-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN259050
Arrival us:27-6-2007
Weight in Kg:17480
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Felixstowe
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario Canada L4s 1g
9 Attn:emmerson Smart Cell:416 725-
5157 Ph:905 508-8084 Fx905 508-8045
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D,23/f Cheuk Nang Plaz
250 Hennessy Road,wan Chai Hongkong
T:852-2187 3174 F:852-2173178
Arrival Date:24-9-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN261399
Arrival us:24-9-2007
Weight in Kg:17560
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Dalian
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario Canada L4s
1g9 Attn:emmers On Smart Cell:416 7
25-5157 Ph:905 508-8084
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprise Lt
Unit D 23/f Cheuk Nang Plaza 250
Hennessy Road Wan Chai Hong Kong
T:852-2187 3174 F:852-21873178
Arrival Date:17-9-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN261223
Arrival us:17-9-2007
Weight in Kg:17160
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Ville D'orion
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario L4s 1g9
Canada Attn:emmerson Smart
Richmond Hill,ca
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D,23/f,cheuk Nang
Plaza,250 Hennessy Road,wanchai,
Hong Kong Tel:852-2187 3174
Arrival Date:13-8-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN260337
Arrival us:13-8-2007
Weight in Kg:34960
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Ville D'orion
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario L4s 1g9 Canad
Attn:emmerson Smart Cell:(416)725-
5157 Ph:(905)508-8084 Fx(905)508-80
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D,23/f,cheuk Nang Plaz
250 Hennessy Road,wanchai Hongkong
Tel:852-2187 3174 Fax:852-21873178
Arrival Date:06-8-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN260167
Arrival us:06-8-2007
Weight in Kg:34960
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Hong Kong
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Product Description 
1 Container Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether(pm) Un No.:3092 Dipropylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether(dpm) Hz: 1-methoxy-2-propanol Un Number: 3092 - Imdg Class: 3 - Flashpoint:
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario L4s 1g9 Canad
Attn:emmerson Smart Cell:(416)725-5
157 Ph:(905)508-8084
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D 23/f Cheuk Nang 21st
Century Plaza 250 Hennessy Rd,wan
Chai Hongkong
Arrival Date:27-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN259050
Arrival us:27-6-2007
Weight in Kg:17480
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Felixstowe
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario Canada L4s 1g
9 Attn:emmerson Smart Cell:416 725-
5157 Ph:905 508-8084 Fx905 508-8045
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D,23/f Cheuk Nang Plaz
250 Hennessy Road,wan Chai Hongkong
T:852-2187 3174 F:852-2173178
Arrival Date:24-9-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN261399
Arrival us:24-9-2007
Weight in Kg:17560
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Dalian
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario L4s 1g9
Canada Attn:emmers On Smart
Cell:4167255157 P:9055088084
Shanghai Dynamic Chemical Ltd.
Room 06-08,floor 12b,lijin Sunshine
Mansion,no.19 Wuning Road,shanghai
China T:862162313806
Arrival Date:18-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN258942
Arrival us:18-6-2007
Weight in Kg:16880
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Chiwan
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario L4s 1g9
Canada Attn:emmerson Smart
Richmond Hill,ca
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D,23/f,cheuk Nang
Plaza,250 Hennessy Road,wanchai,
Hong Kong Tel:852-2187 3174
Arrival Date:13-8-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN260337
Arrival us:13-8-2007
Weight in Kg:34960
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Ville D'orion
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario L4s 1g9 Canad
Attn:emmerson Smart Cell:(416)725-
5157 Ph:(905)508-8084 Fx(905)508-80
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D,23/f,cheuk Nang Plaz
250 Hennessy Road,wanchai Hongkong
Tel:852-2187 3174 Fax:852-21873178
Arrival Date:06-8-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN260167
Arrival us:06-8-2007
Weight in Kg:34960
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Hong Kong
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Product Description 
1 Container Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether(pm) Un No.:3092 Dipropylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether(dpm) Hz: 1-methoxy-2-propanol Un Number: 3092 - Imdg Class: 3 - Flashpoint:
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario,l4s 1g9 Canad
Attn:emmerson Smart Cell:(416)725-
5157 Ph:(905)508-8084 Fx(905)508-80
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D,23/f,cheuk Nang Plaz
250 Hennessy Road,wan Chai,hong
Kong Tel:852-2187 3174 Fax:852-2187
Arrival Date:30-10-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN262317
Arrival us:30-10-2007
Weight in Kg:17440
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Sydney
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario L4s 1g9 Canad
Attn:emmerson Smart Cell:(416)725-5
157 Ph:(905)508-8084
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D 23/f Cheuk Nang 21st
Century Plaza 250 Hennessy Rd,wan
Chai Hongkong
Arrival Date:27-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN259050
Arrival us:27-6-2007
Weight in Kg:17480
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Felixstowe
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario Canada L4s 1g
9 Attn:emmerson Smart Cell:416 725-
5157 Ph:905 508-8084 Fx905 508-8045
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D,23/f Cheuk Nang Plaz
250 Hennessy Road,wan Chai Hongkong
T:852-2187 3174 F:852-2173178
Arrival Date:24-9-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN261399
Arrival us:24-9-2007
Weight in Kg:17560
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Dalian
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario L4s 1g9
Canada Attn:emmers On Smart
Cell:4167255157 P:9055088084
Shanghai Dynamic Chemical Ltd.
Room 06-08,floor 12b,lijin Sunshine
Mansion,no.19 Wuning Road,shanghai
China T:862162313806
Arrival Date:18-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN258942
Arrival us:18-6-2007
Weight in Kg:16880
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Chiwan
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario Canada L4s
1g9 Attn:emmers On Smart Cell:416 7
25-5157 Ph:905 508-8084
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprise Lt
Unit D 23/f Cheuk Nang Plaza 250
Hennessy Road Wan Chai Hong Kong
T:852-2187 3174 F:852-21873178
Arrival Date:17-9-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN261223
Arrival us:17-9-2007
Weight in Kg:17160
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Ville D'orion
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario L4s 1g9
Canada Attn:emmerson Smart
Richmond Hill,ca
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D,23/f,cheuk Nang
Plaza,250 Hennessy Road,wanchai,
Hong Kong Tel:852-2187 3174
Arrival Date:13-8-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN260337
Arrival us:13-8-2007
Weight in Kg:34960
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Ville D'orion
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario L4s 1g9 Canad
Attn:emmerson Smart Cell:(416)725-
5157 Ph:(905)508-8084 Fx(905)508-80
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D,23/f,cheuk Nang Plaz
250 Hennessy Road,wanchai Hongkong
Tel:852-2187 3174 Fax:852-21873178
Arrival Date:06-8-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN260167
Arrival us:06-8-2007
Weight in Kg:34960
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Hong Kong
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Product Description 
1 Container Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether(pm) Un No.:3092 Dipropylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether(dpm) Hz: 1-methoxy-2-propanol Un Number: 3092 - Imdg Class: 3 - Flashpoint:
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario,l4s 1g9 Canad
Attn:emmerson Smart Cell:(416)725-
5157 Ph:(905)508-8084 Fx(905)508-80
Richmond Hill,on
Dynamic International Enterprises
Limited Unit D,23/f,cheuk Nang Plaz
250 Hennessy Road,wan Chai,hong
Kong Tel:852-2187 3174 Fax:852-2187
Arrival Date:30-10-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN262317
Arrival us:30-10-2007
Weight in Kg:17440
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Sydney
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Isoplex Inc 73 Woodstone Avenue,
Richmond Hill,ontario L4s 1g9
Canada Attn:emmers On Smart
Cell:4167255157 P:9055088084
Shanghai Dynamic Chemical Ltd.
Room 06-08,floor 12b,lijin Sunshine
Mansion,no.19 Wuning Road,shanghai
China T:862162313806
Arrival Date:18-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CMDUNCHN258942
Arrival us:18-6-2007
Weight in Kg:16880
Unit of Quantity:Pcs
Shipping Line Name:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen
Ship:Cscl Chiwan
Exported From:China
Export Port:Shang Hai
American Port:Seattle, Wa
Shipping Line:Compagnie Maritime Daffretemen

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