Eastern Alloys Eastern Alloys P.o. Box 317 USA. Importers and Exporters
Eastern Alloys

Eastern Alloys

error code: 526


Eastern Alloys

  P.o. Box 317
  Maybrook, N.y. 12543
  Phone: 845-427-2151 X 243
  Country: Usa


Import Shipment database details of Eastern Alloys

U.S. Notify PartyExporterBill of Landing
Product Description 
"shipper's Load,count,stowage,weigh And Seal" 1x 20ft 60 Packages Container Zinc Scrap For Recycling Purposes Weight : 20.820 Kg Gross 30 Kg Tare 20.790 Kg Nett Weight Cy/cy Service Contract 71493 Weight 20820 Kos Tare Weight 2200 Kos Tot
Hecny Transportation, Inc.
147-38 175th Street Room 102
Jamaica, Ny 11434
Phone 718-656-5537
Fax 718-632-8491
Roba Metals B.v.
Zomerdijk 27-33
3402 Mj Ijsselstein
The Netherlands
C/o Damco Maritime B.v.
Arrival Date:31-7-2007
Bill of Lading Number:HDMURTWB0841076
Arrival us:31-7-2007
Weight in Kg:20380
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Ship:Apl Egypt
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Hecny Transportation, Inc.
147-38 175th Street Room 102
Jamaica, Ny 11434
Phone 718-656-5537
Fax 718-632-8491
Roba Metals B.v.
Zomerdijk 27-33
3402 Mj Ijsselstein
The Netherlands
C/o Damco Maritime B.v.
Arrival Date:26-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:HDMURTWB0839869
Arrival us:26-6-2007
Weight in Kg:20940
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Ship:Marie Maersk
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Hecny Transportation, Inc.
147-38 175th Street Room 102
Jamaica, Ny 11434 United States
Roba Metals B.v.
Zomerdijk 27 - 33
Ijsselstein 3402 Mj Netherlands
Arrival Date:25-2-2007
Bill of Lading Number:MSCURT266336
Arrival us:25-2-2007
Weight in Kg:20700
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Mediterranean Shipping Corp
Ship:Msc Johannesburg
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Antwerp
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Mediterranean Shipping Corp
Hecny Transportation, Inc.
147-38 175th Street Room 102
Jamaica, Ny 11434
Phone 718-656-5537
Fax 718-632-8491
Roba Metals B.v.
Zomerdijk 27-33
3402 Mj Ijsselstein
The Netherlands
C/o Damco Maritime B.v.
Arrival Date:23-5-2007
Bill of Lading Number:HDMURTWB0838916
Arrival us:23-5-2007
Weight in Kg:20920
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Ship:Magleby Maersk
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Same As Above
Not Available
Fcl Marine Agencies Gmbh
Hamburger Strasse 11
22083 Hamburg
Phone:+49 40 70702893
Fax:+49 40 70702894
Arrival Date:20-7-2007
Bill of Lading Number:ANLCANLDE128118
Arrival us:20-7-2007
Weight in Kg:21280
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Anlc
Ship:Cma Cgm Elbe
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Anlc
Hecny Transportation, Inc.
147-38 175th Street Room 102
Jamaica, Ny 11434
Phone 718-656-5537
Fax 718-632-8491
Roba Metals B.v.
Zomerdijk 27-33
3402 Mj Ijsselstein
The Netherlands
C/o Damco Maritime B.v.
Arrival Date:14-8-2007
Bill of Lading Number:HDMURTWB0841497
Arrival us:14-8-2007
Weight in Kg:20780
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Ship:Apl Jade
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Hecny Transportation, Inc.
147-38 175th Street Room 102
Jamaica, Ny 11434
Phone 718-656-5537
Fax 718-632-8491
Roba Metals B.v.
Zomerdijk 27-33
3402 Mj Ijsselstein
The Netherlands
C/o Damco Maritime B.v.
Arrival Date:11-4-2007
Bill of Lading Number:HDMURTWB0837514
Arrival us:11-4-2007
Weight in Kg:21220
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Ship:Maersk Diadema
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Hecny Transportation, Inc.
147-38 175th Street Room 102
Jamaica, Ny 11434
Phone 718-656-5537
Fax 718-632-8491
Roba Metals B.v.
Zomerdijk 27-33
3402 Mj Ijsselstein
The Netherlands
C/o Damco Maritime B.v.
Arrival Date:10-7-2007
Bill of Lading Number:HDMURTWB0840429
Arrival us:10-7-2007
Weight in Kg:20820
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Ship:Apl Turquoise
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Hecny Transportation, Inc.
147-38 175th Street Room 102
Jamaica, Ny 11434
Phone 718-656-5537
Fax 718-632-8491
Roba Metals B.v.
Zomerdijk 27-33
3402 Mj Ijsselstein
The Netherlands
C/o Damco Netherlands Bv
Arrival Date:09-5-2007
Bill of Lading Number:HDMURTWB0838196
Arrival us:09-5-2007
Weight in Kg:20100
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Ship:Maersk Dublin
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Hecny Transportation, Inc.
147-38 175th Street Room 102
Jamaica, Ny 11434
Phone 718-656-5537
Fax 718-632-8491
Roba Metals B.v.
Zomerdijk 27-33
3402 Mj Ijsselstein
The Netherlands
C/o Damco Maritime B.v.
Arrival Date:06-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:HDMURTWB0839256
Arrival us:06-6-2007
Weight in Kg:20920
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Ship:Maersk Dellys
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Product Description 
"shipper's Load,count,stowage,weigh And Seal" 1x 20ft 100 Packages Container Zinc Scrap For Recycling Purposes 0 Kg Tare 20.920 Kg Nett Weight 20.920 Kg Gross Cy/cy Service Contract 71493 Weight 20920 Kos Tare Weight 2200 Kos Total Weight
Hecny Transportation, Inc.
147-38 175th Street Room 102
Jamaica, Ny 11434
Phone 718-656-5537
Fax 718-632-8491
Roba Metals B.v.
Zomerdijk 27-33
3402 Mj Ijsselstein
The Netherlands
C/o Damco Maritime B.v.
Arrival Date:31-7-2007
Bill of Lading Number:HDMURTWB0841076
Arrival us:31-7-2007
Weight in Kg:20380
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Ship:Apl Egypt
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Hecny Transportation, Inc.
147-38 175th Street Room 102
Jamaica, Ny 11434
Phone 718-656-5537
Fax 718-632-8491
Roba Metals B.v.
Zomerdijk 27-33
3402 Mj Ijsselstein
The Netherlands
C/o Damco Maritime B.v.
Arrival Date:26-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:HDMURTWB0839869
Arrival us:26-6-2007
Weight in Kg:20940
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Ship:Marie Maersk
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Hecny Transportation, Inc.
147-38 175th Street Room 102
Jamaica, Ny 11434 United States
Roba Metals B.v.
Zomerdijk 27 - 33
Ijsselstein 3402 Mj Netherlands
Arrival Date:25-2-2007
Bill of Lading Number:MSCURT266336
Arrival us:25-2-2007
Weight in Kg:20700
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Mediterranean Shipping Corp
Ship:Msc Johannesburg
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Antwerp
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Mediterranean Shipping Corp
Hecny Transportation, Inc.
147-38 175th Street Room 102
Jamaica, Ny 11434
Phone 718-656-5537
Fax 718-632-8491
Roba Metals B.v.
Zomerdijk 27-33
3402 Mj Ijsselstein
The Netherlands
C/o Damco Maritime B.v.
Arrival Date:23-5-2007
Bill of Lading Number:HDMURTWB0838916
Arrival us:23-5-2007
Weight in Kg:20920
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Ship:Magleby Maersk
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Same As Above
Not Available
Fcl Marine Agencies Gmbh
Hamburger Strasse 11
22083 Hamburg
Phone:+49 40 70702893
Fax:+49 40 70702894
Arrival Date:20-7-2007
Bill of Lading Number:ANLCANLDE128118
Arrival us:20-7-2007
Weight in Kg:21280
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Anlc
Ship:Cma Cgm Elbe
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Anlc
Hecny Transportation Inc
147-38 175th Street Room 102
Jamaica, Ny 11434 United States
Roba Metals B.v.
Zomerdijk 27 - 33
Ijsselstein 3402 Mj Netherlands
Arrival Date:15-2-2007
Bill of Lading Number:MSCURT246106
Arrival us:15-2-2007
Weight in Kg:20160
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Mediterranean Shipping Corp
Ship:Msc Prague
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Antwerp
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Mediterranean Shipping Corp
Hecny Transportation, Inc.
147-38 175th Street Room 102
Jamaica, Ny 11434
Phone 718-656-5537
Fax 718-632-8491
Roba Metals B.v.
Zomerdijk 27-33
3402 Mj Ijsselstein
The Netherlands
C/o Damco Maritime B.v.
Arrival Date:11-4-2007
Bill of Lading Number:HDMURTWB0837514
Arrival us:11-4-2007
Weight in Kg:21220
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Ship:Maersk Diadema
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Hecny Transportation, Inc.
147-38 175th Street Room 102
Jamaica, Ny 11434
Phone 718-656-5537
Fax 718-632-8491
Roba Metals B.v.
Zomerdijk 27-33
3402 Mj Ijsselstein
The Netherlands
C/o Damco Maritime B.v.
Arrival Date:10-7-2007
Bill of Lading Number:HDMURTWB0840198
Arrival us:10-7-2007
Weight in Kg:41940
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Ship:Apl Turquoise
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Hecny Transportation, Inc.
147-38 175th Street Room 102
Jamaica, Ny 11434
Phone 718-656-5537
Fax 718-632-8491
Roba Metals B.v.
Zomerdijk 27-33
3402 Mj Ijsselstein
The Netherlands
C/o Damco Netherlands Bv
Arrival Date:09-5-2007
Bill of Lading Number:HDMURTWB0838196
Arrival us:09-5-2007
Weight in Kg:20100
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Ship:Maersk Dublin
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Hecny Transportation, Inc.
147-38 175th Street Room 102
Jamaica, Ny 11434
Phone 718-656-5537
Fax 718-632-8491
Roba Metals B.v.
Zomerdijk 27-33
3402 Mj Ijsselstein
The Netherlands
C/o Damco Maritime B.v.
Arrival Date:06-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:HDMURTWB0839256
Arrival us:06-6-2007
Weight in Kg:20920
Unit of Quantity:Pkg
Shipping Line Name:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc
Ship:Maersk Dellys
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Hyundai Merchant Marine (America) Inc

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