Dorothy Prentice Aromatherapy Inc Dorothy Prentice Aromatherapy Inc 12128 Folkstone Drive USA. Importers and Exporters
Dorothy Prentice Aromatherapy Inc

Dorothy Prentice Aromatherapy Inc

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Dorothy Prentice Aromatherapy Inc

  12128 Folkstone Drive
  Oak Hill Va 20171
  Country: Usa


Import Shipment database details of Dorothy Prentice Aromatherapy Inc

U.S. Notify PartyExporterBill of Landing
Product Description 
Oz Soap, Lip Balm, Hand/foot/shave Cream, Sha Mpoo, Conditioner, Body Lotion, Shave/dental Kit, Pe Shower Cap
Dorothy Prentice Aromatherapy Inc
12128 Folkstone Drive
Oak Hill Va 20171
Ming Fai Enterprise Int'l Co Ltd
Flat F 6/f May Kay Ind Bldg No 5
Sun Hop Lane Tuen Mun Nt
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Arrival Date:03-6-2007
Bill of Lading Number:DITCHDBTM0705001
Arrival us:03-6-2007
Weight in Kg:18767
Unit of Quantity:Ctn
Shipping Line Name:Ditc
Ship:Ever Renown
Exported From:Hong Kong
Export Port:Hong Kong
American Port:San Pedro, Ca
Shipping Line:Ditc
Dorothy Prentice Aromatherapy Inc
12128 Polkstone Droak Hill, Va 20171 (us)
Ming Fai Enterprise International C
Flat F 6/f May Kay Ind Bldgno 6 Sun Hop Lane Tuen Munhong Kongchina
Arrival Date:01-1-2007
Bill of Lading Number:CHGHM33090BWI
Arrival us:01-1-2007
Weight in Kg:1874
Shipping Line Name:
Ship:Chgh - [hanjin Osaka : 97]
Export Port:Hong Kong, Hong Kong
American Port:New York, Ny

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