Dori Dori 330 Hassanpura C Kamla Nehru Nagar India. Importers and Exporters


error code: 526



  330 Hassanpura C Kamla Nehru Nagar
  Nbc Road
  Country: India
  Telephone: N/A
  Fax: N/A


Top Export Product Information of Dori

HS CodeProduct Description
62063000 Yrn Dyd/proc C/mups Incl Q/c/mups W/w/ Emb A/o W/w/m/yarn Cotton P/l Quilts 
63079013 J-11c,all Procsd.cttn.m/ups O.t.grey. Quilts 220 X 270 Cms 
74199930 Indian Artistic Handicraft Blue Pottery Items Bowl 8 
90014090 Indian Artstc H/c Blue Pottery Items. Planters 5 

Export Shipment database details of Dori

Date HS Code Description India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit of Quantity
25-11-2004 62063000 Yrn Dyd/proc C/mups Incl Q/c/mups W/w/ Emb A/o W/w/m/yarn Cotton P/l Quilts Delhi Air Marseille France 12  Pcs 
04-11-2003 63079013 J-11c,all Procsd.cttn.m/ups O.t.grey. Quilts 220 X 270 Cms Jnpt Marseille France 30  Pcs 
25-11-2004 74199930 Indian Artistic Handicraft Blue Pottery Items Bowl 8 Delhi Air Marseille France 30  Pcs 
04-11-2003 90014090 Indian Artstc H/c Blue Pottery Items. Planters 5 Jnpt Marseille France 15  Pcs 

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