Doll Impex Doll Impex A-3/101, Rna Park, Vasi Naka, India. Importers and Exporters
Doll Impex

Doll Impex

error code: 526


Doll Impex

  A-3/101, Rna Park, Vasi Naka,
  Country: India
  Telephone: 5583480
  Fax: 5562872


Top Export Product Information of Doll Impex

HS CodeProduct Description
85399010 Ultra Violet 20 Watt Tube Lights 
85399090 Ultra Violet 20 Watt Tube Lights 

Export Shipment database details of Doll Impex

Date HS Code Description India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit of Quantity
21-10-2003 85399010 Ultra Violet 20 Watt Tube Lights Bombay Air Nairobi Kenya 10  Nos 
16-9-2003 85399090 Ultra Violet 20 Watt Tube Lights Bombay Air Nairobi Kenya 10  Nos 

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