Dipsol Of America Inc Dipsol Of America Inc 34005 Schoolcraft Road USA. Importers and Exporters
Dipsol Of America Inc

Dipsol Of America Inc

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Dipsol Of America Inc

  34005 Schoolcraft Road
  Livonia Mi 48150
  Country: Usa


Import Shipment database details of Dipsol Of America Inc

U.S. Notify PartyExporterBill of Landing
Product Description 
Cultured Crystals,ingot=>2.5gr Chemicals For Electroplating Chemicals For Electroplating
200 East Howard Street
Suite 258
Des Plaines Il 60018 Us
Dipsol Chemicals Co.,ltd.
1-3-9 Ginza, Chuo-ku
Tokyo Tokyo 1040061
P:03-3535-3156 F:03-3535-3161
Arrival Date:28-10-2007
Bill of Lading Number:MLGDMLGT07201016
Arrival us:28-10-2007
Weight in Kg:15476
Unit of Quantity:Drum
Shipping Line Name:Mlgd
Ship:Mol Express
Exported From:Japan
Export Port:Tokyo
American Port:Los Angeles, Ca
Shipping Line:Mlgd
200 East Howard Street
Suite 258
Des Plaines Il 60018 Us
Dipsol Chemicals Co.,ltd.
1-3-9 Ginza, Chuo-ku
Tokyo Tokyo 1040061
P03-3535-3156 F03-3535-3161
Arrival Date:12-2-2007
Bill of Lading Number:MLGDMLGTYO219505
Arrival us:12-2-2007
Weight in Kg:15476
Unit of Quantity:Drum
Shipping Line Name:Mlgd
Ship:Mol Excellence
Exported From:Japan
Export Port:Tokyo
American Port:Los Angeles, Ca
Shipping Line:Mlgd

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