Dinurje Dinurje 535, Panchratna, Mama Parmanand India. Importers and Exporters


error code: 526



  535, Panchratna, Mama Parmanand
  Marg, Opera House,
  Country: India
  Telephone: 23678927
  Fax: 23640900


Top Export Product Information of Dinurje

HS CodeProduct Description
71023901 Diamonds Cut & Polished In India 
71131930 Gold Jewellery 

Export Shipment database details of Dinurje

Date HS Code Description India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit of Quantity
29-7-2003 71023901 Diamonds Cut & Polished In India Bombay Air Newyork Usa 867  Cts 
10-7-2003 71023901 Diamonds Cut & Polished In India Bombay Air Kowloon Hong Kong 405  Cts 
26-7-2003 71131930 Gold Jewellery Bombay Air London United Kingdom 164  Pcs 
23-7-2003 71131930 Gold Jewellery Bombay Air New York Usa 520  Pcs 

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