Digital Automaation Systems Digital Automaation Systems 24/77-1, First Floor India. Importers and Exporters
Digital Automaation Systems

Digital Automaation Systems

error code: 526


Digital Automaation Systems

  24/77-1, First Floor
  Muhilanvillai, M.k. Pottel P.o
  Country: India
  Telephone: 04652-288172
  Fax: 04652-288172


Top Import Product Information of Digital Automaation Systems

HS CodeProduct Description
84735000 Mini Printer Machnanism Epson M-180 With Ribbon 
96121010 Erc-09(purple)ribbon;f604351000c43s015171) 

Import Shipment database details of Digital Automaation Systems

DateHS CodeDescriptionIndia PortForeign PortForeign CountryQuantityUnit of Quantity
25-10-200484735000 Mini Printer Machnanism Epson M-180 With Ribbon Madras Air  India 100 Nos 
25-9-200496121010 Erc-09(purple)ribbon;f604351000c43s015171) Madras Air N/a India 100 Nos 

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