Dhiren Enterprise Dhiren Enterprise 106, Nain Krupa India. Importers and Exporters
Dhiren Enterprise

Dhiren Enterprise

error code: 526


Dhiren Enterprise

  106, Nain Krupa
  118/122, Kazi Syed Street,
  Mumbai Maharashtra
  Country: India
  Telephone: 3436891,3426610/3420984
  Fax: N/A


Top Export Product Information of Dhiren Enterprise

HS CodeProduct Description
27074000 A-730 Napthalene Balls 450 Gms X 60 Prin Ted Poly Bags, Toa Master Carton 
30051002 Porous Plaster Monsons Brand 
30051010 Porous Plaster 
33049902 Nail Polish In Glass Bottles Cyndrella Brand-10ml 
33049910 (a-1732) Beauty Cream 62 Gms 

Export Shipment database details of Dhiren Enterprise

Date HS Code Description India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit of Quantity
09-3-2004 27074000 A-730 Napthalene Balls 450 Gms X 60 Prin Ted Poly Bags, Toa Master Carton Jnpt Kuwait Kuwait 575  Ctn 
12-6-2003 30051002 Porous Plaster Monsons Brand Jnpt Dubai United Arab Emirates 2400  Box 
13-3-2004 30051010 Porous Plaster Jnpt Dubai United Arab Emirates 4800  Box 
10-1-2003 33049902 Nail Polish In Glass Bottles Cyndrella Brand-10ml Bombay Sea Djibouti Djibouti 2500  Doz 
16-2-2004 33049910 Nail Polish In Glass Bottles Beauty Aid Brand 9.9 Ml Bombay Sea Maputo Mozambique 44000  Doz 
09-10-2003 33049910 (a-1732) Beauty Cream 62 Gms Jnpt Sharjah United Arab Emirats 12000  Doz 
05-9-2003 33049910 Beauty Cream(eva Glycerin Cream 80ml) Bombay Sea Djibouti Djibouti 210  Doz 

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