Dhirajlal C. Soni & Sons Dhirajlal C. Soni & Sons 26 A, Maruti Lane, 1st Floor, India. Importers and Exporters
Dhirajlal C. Soni & Sons

Dhirajlal C. Soni & Sons

error code: 526


Dhirajlal C. Soni & Sons

  26 A, Maruti Lane, 1st Floor,
  Bhuleshwar Phool Gally
  Country: India
  Telephone: 2411978
  Fax: 2421217


Top Export Product Information of Dhirajlal C. Soni & Sons

HS CodeProduct Description
71011010 Indian Artistic Silver Jewellery : Tikka's 
71101110 Inidian Artistic Silver Jewellery Half Set With Loose Material 
90019010 Indian Artisric Silver Jewelery Hath Pan 
90149000 Indian Artistic Silver Jewellery Hath Pan 

Export Shipment database details of Dhirajlal C. Soni & Sons

Date HS Code Description India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit of Quantity
06-9-2004 71011010 Indian Artistic Silver Jewellery : Tikka's Bombay Air Philadelphia United States 8  Pcs 
06-10-2004 71101110 Inidian Artistic Silver Jewellery Half Set With Loose Material Bombay Air Philadelphia Usa 486  Pcs 
17-8-2004 90019010 Indian Artisric Silver Jewelery Hath Pan Bombay Air Philadelphia United States 9  Prs 
02-7-2004 90149000 Indian Artistic Silver Jewellery Hath Pan Bombay Air London United Kingdom 12  Prs 

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