Deutsche Nickel Deutsche Nickel America USA. Importers and Exporters
Deutsche Nickel

Deutsche Nickel

error code: 526


Deutsche Nickel

  100 Higginson Avenue
  Usa-lincoln, Ri
  Country: Usa


Import Shipment database details of Deutsche Nickel

U.S. Notify PartyExporterBill of Landing
Product Description 
Nickel N.o.s. (silverin Bars) Nickel N.o.s. (silverin Bars) 4 Cases 33 Cases Nickel N.o.s. (silverin-bars) Hs-code 7505 1200 1 Case Nickel N.o.s. (silverin-bars) Hs-code 7505 1200 1 Case Nickel N.o.s. (silverin-bars) Hs-code 7505 1200 1 Case Nickel N.o.s.
Deutsche Nickel
100 Higginson Avenue
Usa-lincoln, Ri
Deutsche Nickel Gmbh
Rosenweg 15
D-58239 Schwerte
Arrival Date:27-8-2007
Bill of Lading Number:EGLV560720083597
Arrival us:27-8-2007
Weight in Kg:19588
Unit of Quantity:Cas
Shipping Line Name:Eglv
Ship:Ever Diadem
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Eglv
Deutsche Nickel
100 Higginson Avenue
Usa-lincoln, Ri
Deutsche Nickel Gmbh
Rosenweg 15
D-58239 Schwerte
Arrival Date:12-2-2007
Bill of Lading Number:EISU560600349611
Arrival us:12-2-2007
Weight in Kg:31623
Unit of Quantity:Cas
Shipping Line Name:Evergreen International (U S A)
Ship:Ever Decent
Exported From:Netherlands
Export Port:Rotterdam
American Port:Newark, Nj
Shipping Line:Evergreen International (U S A)

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