Deccan Circuits Pvt Ltd Deccan Circuits Pvt Ltd 8/34 Erandavana India. Importers and Exporters
Deccan Circuits Pvt Ltd

Deccan Circuits Pvt Ltd

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Deccan Circuits Pvt Ltd

  8/34 Erandavana
  Country: India
  Telephone: 5430891
  Fax: 5461325


Top Import Product Information of Deccan Circuits Pvt Ltd

HS CodeProduct Description
07410110 Glass Epoxy Copper Clad Laminates. 
74101100 Glass Epoxy Copper Clad Lamina Kb-2150g Fr-2 G 1.60 Mm 

Import Shipment database details of Deccan Circuits Pvt Ltd

DateHS CodeDescriptionIndia PortForeign PortForeign CountryQuantityUnit of Quantity
25-12-200307410110 Glass Epoxy Copper Clad Laminates. Bombay Sea Chn India 110 Sht 
25-2-200474101100 Glassepoxy Copper Clad Laminat 1.6mm Size:1080mm X 1232mm Bombay Sea Korea,republic Of India 150 Nos 
07-10-200374101100 Glass Epoxy Copper Clad Lamina Kb-2150g Fr-2 G 1.60 Mm Bombay Sea China India 110 Sht 

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