D. R. Pundole Sons D. R. Pundole Sons 369, Dr. Dadabhai Naoroji Road, India. Importers and Exporters
D. R. Pundole Sons

D. R. Pundole Sons

error code: 526


D. R. Pundole Sons

  369, Dr. Dadabhai Naoroji Road,
  Country: India
  Telephone: 22841837
  Fax: 82048473


Top Export Product Information of D. R. Pundole Sons

HS CodeProduct Description
59011020 Oil Painting On Canvas By Akbar Padamsee 

Export Shipment database details of D. R. Pundole Sons

Date HS Code Description India Port Foreign Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit of Quantity
25-3-2004 59011020 Oil Painting On Canvas By Akkitham Narayanan Bombay Air Memphis Usa 2  Nos 
16-1-2004 59011020 Oil Painting On Canvas By Akbar Padamsee Bombay Air Tokyo Japan 1  Nos 
14-9-2004 59011020 Oil Painting By K.m.adimoolam Bombay Air New York United States 1  Nos 
07-1-2004 59011020 Oil Painting Canvas By Ram Kumar Bombay Air Hong Kong Hong Kong 1  Pcs 
02-6-2004 59011020 Painting On Paper By Jogen Chowdhury Bombay Air Osaka Japan 1  Nos 

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